
E-commerce Simplified

Shopr is a modern batteries-included e-commerce package designed to be highly adaptible and cost-effective.

Feature Highlights

Extensive Theming

Shopr adapts to your branding. The storefront was built from the ground up with a flexible theming system. See the live demos above.

Robust Product Search

Half of online shopping is finding products. Shopr comes equipped with a powerful search engine and filtering capabilities to help users effortlessly zero in on the products they're looking for.


Need to support multiple languages? No problem! Shopr provides you with the tools to author your content in multiple languages.

Deep CRM Integration

Good CRM is at the heart of every successful e-commerce. Shopr's CRM integration enables features such as live chat, newsletter, and abandoned cart recovery.


The modern web needs to accommodate various screen sizes, input devices, user preferences, and impairments. Shopr considers accessibility a top priority, and follows WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines closely.


Shopr is built for bots as much as it is built for humans. We implement various techniques to make it easy for search engine crawlers to discover and index your content and products.

Comprehensive Analytics

Your e-commerce operation needs to constantly evolve in response to user behavior, so Shopr comes with granular tracking of e-commerce events.

Secure Payment

Accept payments globally with confidence, knowing that it is entirely handled by trusted payment providers such as Paypal, Braintree, Skrill, and 2Checkout.

Secure Auth

User authentication is done via Amazon Cognito, using the industry-trusted OpenID specification. Social media login and 2FA are also included for added security.


Shopr is built to be GDPR-compliant, and to provide you with the tools to ensure your e-commerce business remains compliant.


Every second your online shop spends loading is a second you're not selling, so we do not compromise on performance. Check out our demos.

AI Product Search ✨ experimental

We use ChatGPT to understand what the user is searching for, and provide relevant results. The future of search is already here.

Product Reviews

Feedback is key to long-term success in e-commerce. We enable users to leave reviews and ask questions about products.

Wishlists ⌚ coming soon

Soon, users will be able to add products to their wishlists, get notified of discounts, and share the lists with friends and family.

AI Product Recommendation ⌚ coming soon

We're building a personalized product recommendation system to improve sales performance by offerring the right products to the right customer.

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